My truck is a '95 12v 2wd auto tranny truck with 159K on the ticker. Newer rebuilt tranny. It's my dd and tow rig, my truggy (when finished) and trailer will be close to 8klbs... Assuming gauges of course, am I safe with a #6 plate and the 3kgsk kit without risking early death of the tranny?
That #6 plate is the recommended plate for trucks with stock auto trannies or clutches. It should work fine for you. Randy
When I did my plate and gsk it took about 3 hours max. I had never done this kind of work to an engine before so I took my time and went slowly. Just follow the instructions that come with the kits and everything should work fine. Randy
The stock converter is marginal at best when towing with even a stock CTD.....With the #6 plate I find they stall too high - especially when towing......the lock up won't have enough holding power for the long haul either. IMO, I would start saving for a good converter....once it is installed, you will wonder why you didn't do it sooner! The performance of the truck will be awesome empty and loaded with a much tighter converter. This is also a good time to add a valve body kit to aid with lock up clutch pressure.