Hi all, What brand of gauges are you running? What are they (pyrometer, boost, trans temp) monitoring? Nitelord
I'll start. Autometer Cobalt series gauges. Both Pyrometer and transmission temp. gauges. Should have a boost gauge in a couple of weeks. Although I'm not sure about the step motor technology. I may switch to something else, depending on the response to this thread.
Autometer ultralites, pyro and boost. Tranny temp is in the dash on the Dmax, and I couldn't find a triple a-pillar gauge pod. Marc
Autometer Ultralites... mainly because I put the silver faced gauges in the truck and they match pretty nice. I have a pyro, boost, and soon an air PSI gauge for the OBA/ bags.
We usually use the Ultra Lites but we have done a couple sets of the Autometer NV's with the 100 PSI boost gauge and they work really well also. The NV's are probably my favorite right now.
Autometer Ultralites here too. They're kinda hard to see at night though. The Lunar's are cool too but a little pricey.
Autometer Ultralites... Autometer Ultralites seems to be the most popular. Diesel Performance Products has sent me a replacement Cobalt Pyrometer. I want to see if the strange behavior subsides. If so I'll keep them. Otherwise I'm off to check out the Ultralites. Thanks alot for the input. waytogo
I hope to be running the new A2 monitor and Juice within the next few months and am not sure where to mount it, it looks to be fairly large. I might try to mount it off of the headliner next to the rear view mirror depending on it's mounting options.
BD-Power Didgital 3 in 1 X-Monitor http://www.bd-power.com/ford/product.php?pn=XMonitor%20Digital%20Gauges&tt=ford
BD also offers Stewart Werner and Isspro BD also offers Stewart Werner Silver faced and Isspro black faced with BD logo. http://www.bd-power.com/ford/product.php?pn=XMonitor%20Digital%20Gauges&tt=ford#agh
Ultra lites here too, I got a pillar with a pyro, boost, and trans gauges and on the steering column I have a fuel pressure gauge. My buddy has the Lunars in his truck and they look really nice but if you live anywhere it is cold they flicker for about 15 minutes until they warm up. -Stew