Another new guy, with questions...

Discussion in 'Introductions & Greetings' started by Subbass32, Feb 19, 2006.

  1. Subbass32

    Subbass32 Member

    Feb 19, 2006
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    I use my tow rigs for business, large 5th wheel van tailers. I am driving an 03 F350 PSD 6 speed, my other driver is running an 05 Chev Dmax/Ally. I am looking to maybe replace my Ford with a new rig, but I prefer to drive a stick, so looks like Dodge is my option, as GM is not offering a stick with the new trucks. I am not considering another Ford now due to the isues with the 6.0 engine. I use a custom flatbed with a Holland/Binkley inverted 5th wheel, so I am looking cab/chassis setup. I think I can use my bed on a Dodge chassis with some mods, the CA is different, and the frame rail widths are different too. I am a little concerned about the durability of the G56 tranny/dmf flywheel combo, so am interested in thoughts/experiences with these. I drove a 97 F450 with a dmf for 100,000 miles or so with no troubles pulling the same trailers, so I am not completely afraid of this setup. I am running at gcwr of 18-22000 lbs depending on load, and the truck will be hooked up to the trailer virtually all the time, so I am looking for a towing setup, period. The G56 gearing seems to be right for my load/driving style, but at 40-45000 miles/year I need something that will hold up over time. I drive gently, and plan no power mods to the truck. Any thoughts/ideas??

    Thanks for your input!!

  2. rocknbronco

    rocknbronco Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2005
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    Flat Top Mtn,Tn
    Wait a bit longer if you can Ford is coming out with a new Power Stroke.
  3. CK5

    CK5 WhooHoo! Administrator Moderator

    Feb 9, 2005
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    Welcome Nick waytogo
  4. Subbass32

    Subbass32 Member

    Feb 19, 2006
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    Oooh, no thanks. I have been at this for a number of years and have we have had baad luck with first year models, especially Fords. I really like my 03, and may be better off continuing to use it, but am anticipating some reapairs coming up-brake job ( 1500 bucks+ ) and potential tranny work. The stock pilot bearing failed a year ago, and I was fortunate to fix it with a new South Bend clutch, with kevlar pilot bushing. The trans in rattling a lot more these days, and a new one is gonna be bucks... That said I HIGHLY recommend the South Bend clutch, the pedal effort is minimal, and the engagement is sooo easy and smooth. In that sense I am reluctant to give up this rig, as its one of the last of the 7.3s, but am at 160000 miles now, 200000 by years end. A new one costs me the same or less/month, so i am thinking maybe time to change, but maybe not...

    Thanks again!!


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