You guys think some magazines are more biased to a certain brand of truck? In my opionion, it seems to me that the Dodges and GM's get less recognition than the Fords. I know the first few magazines from "Diesel Power" were dominatly Ford. I know the magazine no.2 test drove the Ford that was 4x4 extended cab. Issue no.3 was with the dodge 2x4 regular cab. The article on the dodge was shorter, AND THE PICTURE THEY HAD OF THE DODGE WAS A HEMI!!!! I was a little dissapointed with the latest issue on the duramax LBZ, they hardly talked about test driving it at all. Im not trying to start a war here, its just my opinion that Ford gets a little more coverage.
I have found Diesel Power to be doing their best to balance the big three. I feel kind of bad for them, after reading some of the letters there was a lot of people pissed at them for not basically devoting to a certain brand (retarded) and most of them were Dodge guys. I think they have done well with doing an article on a Ford motor one issue, and the 6.2 in the following. I am completley tired of the constant Ford show trucks. They are all identical, lifted with 22's, flashy paint, and a Banks Power Pack.
I'm simply amazed that the Dodge guys would complain about the DP magazine when the TDR has the best all-Dodge/Cummins magazine (IMO) one can get. I've not perused the DP magazine yet but it'd be interesting to see a magazine that could cater to all makes. After all it's nice to be able to see what the other brands are up to and so forth...
I love "Diesel Power",I was just going through my collection and no.2 is nothing but Ford's. It had 5 different articles on the fords, an article on the 7.3 powerstroke. I know when they did the shoot out, the ford was a harley davidson edition. Dont get me wrong, I love the magazine to death. I just thought maybe they were more fond of the Fords.
its funny you mention that the pic of the dually they say is a lbz on page 144 is a lly, look at the duramax badge it dont have the allison duramax badge, it has the duramax diesel one. but on the insert pic it has the right onerotfland look at the mirrors on pg 144 compared to the one's on the truck on the dyno on pg 146, two totally different trucks.
Well, to come to DP's defense, Fords are by far the most popular diesel on the road so there are more customs out there. GM has taken a serious bite out of their sales and I figure Dodge will increase sales now that they have a crew cab. So in the future we should see more of them.
I think they put too much emphasis on lifted show truck Fords. I like a nice lifted truck, but they act like these trucks are workhorses when they are really trailer queens. Also I don't like when DP covers those diesel cars. That aggrivates me because its primarily a truck magazine!
I agree about the show truck thing... there are way more people out there with more 'normal' trucks. However, I think it is a really good thing that they are paying attention to the new diesel cars. The diesel car market will continue to grow as fuel becomes more and more expensive and the government starts to promote biodiesel and veggie oil for fuel.
I agree, fully. However, Ford diesels are the number one selling truck. I think the mag is a victom of selling to the masses. I feel they should be MUCH more objective. Lucky thing, DP is a new mag and its not too late to change a few things.