I hear of all this talk of BOMBing our motors regardless of brand and pulling hills faster than stock but how does the stock cooling system like these mods? Does the engine temp always stay at the 'stat no matter what level your box is on? Are you having overheating problems under high power?
I can pull 6% grades at 75-80 in OD and the engine temp never goes over 200. For that matter, neither does the trans temp. And that's at 100*+ ambient, running the chip on level 2 with 15k gross and EGT typically in the 1150-1200 degree range. Unloaded at around 7.5k gross and chip on level 4 (+90, top level is plus 125?) temps are about the same. Basically, once it reaches operating temp, it has the BTU capacity to easily keep it from going higher.
I had problems at first, but after some searching at TDR, I found that the overflow tube would clog the radiator and create heating issues with the 2nd Gens. I thought that I cleaned the Rad enough at first. Then after a trip up the mountain. I still had issues. As soon as I got back I completely pulled the Radiator and was totally shocked at the dirt and grim that was in the Rad that I could not get to with out it being removed. Once I cleaned this, I have had absolutely no problems with cooling including EGT's and Temp. I run it heavy and with my mod's I don't have any problems. I plan on going up another 100 HP on injectors this summer, and I am not worried about it at all. Rob
No, externaly, just cleaned out the stuff between the fins, I was shocked to see how much stuff had accumulated there.. I totally solved my cooling issues. Rob
Hey Russ and anyone else that lists EGTs are they pre or post turbo? I would help to note where your temps are being drawn from.