Does anyone here have pics and maybe some advice for doing this. Have been thinking about this for awhile now but havent gotten the trailer yet. Looking for a 50 foot house trailer to start with. cut it down to prolly 30-35 foot to hual two vehicles. Let the opinions start. Thanks
Don't waste your time, MH axles are illegal in most states and the frame rails are fairly weak without the rest of the MH. Been there, done that. OT
Where I used to work had a trailer with mobile home running gear and after one 500 mile trip empty the equalizer and shackles had elongated holes. The springs had no bushings and the hardware did not look like it was designed for long term use. We wound up replacing all the running gear (tires, rims. axles, springs, shackles, equalizers, etc). Take Old-Trucker's advise, stay away from em.
You guys have any experience with the MH hitches? I cut the 2 5/16 hitch off the front of one to use on a small camping trailer I'm fabbing out of a s-10 p/u frame. It feels pretty darn heavy duty, but I don't wanna use it if it won't hold up to a back roads drive. That's the ONLY part I'm using from the MH. Like you guys already said, the rest of the frame is crap, but I have seen it done.
This hits the nail right on the head. Wasting your time. Also, a 30-35' flat tag trailer is one of the cheapest trailers you can buy. Contact one of the companies building trailers in Missouri or Alabama and buy one with bare frame and Axles, maybe even unpainted. Then build it the way you want it.