Chevron Delo 400 15-40 Wt. At Costco?

Discussion in 'Dodge 3rd Gen Cummins 5.9 (24v)' started by Eightballsidepocket, Sep 9, 2005.

  1. Eightballsidepocket

    Eightballsidepocket Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2005
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    San Jose, California
    My 2005 Cummins Dodge requires 12 quarts of oil at change time, and I was doing some shopping at my San Jose, Ca. Costco and noticed that they carry Chevron Delo 400 15-40 wt. diesel rated oil. They sell it in a case with 6 - one gallon plastic jugs of the oil, at $39.00 and some change. Is this a good price?

    Do any of you use this oil in your diesels? I'm trying to save some money on oil changes, but want to use good oil for my new truck.

    Oil filters:

    Do you generally buy your filters from the dealer, or do you get them elsewhere? I've heard some bad stories about Fram and diesels. I've been hearing some positive stuff about a Fleet Guard brand filter, or just getting the Mopar one from the dealer.

    Doing the Oil change:

    Is it the same as doing a gasser engine oil change? I've done plenty of those in my lifetime. Is the Cummins filter a spin-on just like most gasser engines? Also is the 12 quart requirement with a new filter change included, or is a 13th quart added with the filter?

    I have some pretty husky drive-up ramps that I've used for my oil changes in the past. Is that what you folks use to elevate your trucks for an oil change, or do you just scrunch under the truck without raising it?

    I've got about 2,000 miles on my new truck/Cummins, and I noticed that the break-in oil is pretty black on the dip-stick. Is that normal?
  2. miniwally

    miniwally Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2005
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    Carbondale, Colorado
    I don't have any knowledge on the Dodges but all trucks are basically the same.

    Oil change as normal for a gasser. Just a bunch more oil. I like to fill my new filters with oil if it is possible without spilling fresh oil all over myself when I install it.

    The first oil change really should be performed sometime around 2,000 to 3,000 miles in my opinion.

    Just jack the truck up/ drive up your ramps what ever and get the oil changed.

    BTW Diesel oil will go black almost instantly as you get more miles on the truck. That is normal.

    EDIT: Delo is a good oil. It's what I run in my 05 Duramax
  3. PermanentMarker

    PermanentMarker TRC Staff Moderator

    Mar 22, 2005
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    Ceres, Ca
    The Delo is good stuff. If you want to go synthetic, try WalMart for the Shell Rotella T Synthetic. I think it's like 7 or 8 bucks a gallon. Good deal.

    I get my filters by the 6-pack on e-bay. They are luber-finer filters, which are supposed to be pretty good. Buying them in volume is much cheaper.

  4. RJF's Red Cummins

    RJF's Red Cummins TRC Staff Moderator

    Feb 16, 2005
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    I live in Modesto California
    Yes it's a spin on filter. I would use Wix, just ask for a filter for your truck at your local Napa, it will be a wix filter.

    Delo 400 is fine oil, but $40 seems a little high for me. The cheapest route is to buy it in 55 gal drums at a time. waytogo But, it takes a lot of equipment to support a drum, otherwise the oil will just go bad sitting.

    Once again I would go to Napa for my oil too, Napa brand oil is just relabeled Valvoline. You can get 15 40 Napa brand in one gallon jugs for less than Delo 400.

    Is your truck 4wd? I find that my truck is PLENTY high and I can crawl underneith it easily. The oil filter is accessed from the top anyway, at least I get to mine from the passenger side fender anyway.

    12 quarts with the filter, I used a 1 gallon jug that I kept refilling from the mother drum but if my measurements are correct I could only get about 2.5 gallons or so in mine without going way above the full mark.

    I use Exxon XD3 extra 15-40 oil. It's supposed to be 50K oil with regular filter changes in commercial apps. I think it's a little better than the standard brands.
  5. Grey Wolf

    Grey Wolf Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    Acton, Ca
    I've used Chevron Delo for over thirty five years and would say its an excellent oil, but maybe I'm prejudiced :rolleyes: I also purchase by the case at Costco and that is a good price.

    I use Fleetguard filters when my boys (Cummins Tech's) bring me a filter home from work, otherwise I use Baldwin Filters which I've used as long as Delo. In case you didn't know Fleetguard is a company belonging to Cummins and the Mopar Filter is a retagged Fleetguard Filter, which is usually priced higher too. Here's a place for all your filter needs that is priced competitively.. By the way don't forget to fill the new filter with oil before you install it :)

    Here's the Baldwin site if your interested.

    Since I have a 4X4 I don't need to elevate my truck to change the oil, so that issue is something you'll have to decide on. My sons is a '90 2WD and we don't drive it up on a ramp it's high enough to slide under with the drain pan and changed easily enough, but still that's a personal preference.

    As far as the oil turning black that's normal, some Diesels turn the oil black sooner than others but that's just a Diesel thing...

    Enjoy your new ride, my yougest son picked up his '05 in May and he loves it :) GW
  6. Eightballsidepocket

    Eightballsidepocket Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2005
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    San Jose, California
    Well, it sounds like Chevron Delo 400 is Ok with everyone.

    I did price the Delo at Walmart, and it's running in the plus-$8.00 range per gallon, as well as Rotella.

    Costco's $39.00 plus price comes out to between $6.00 and $7.00 per gallon. Looks like Costco wins so far.

    The Costco purchase is a 6 gallon case. At least thats good for two oil changes.


    Wix oil filters were mentioned. How do they compare to Mopar or Fleet Guard?


    Fram is a No-Go for me after all the negative stories about the filter element breaking down and messing up the engines.

    How about the Fram air filter for a diesel? I noticed that they do have them available for the Dodge/Cummins. Could a Fram Air filter cause any problems?
  7. RJF's Red Cummins

    RJF's Red Cummins TRC Staff Moderator

    Feb 16, 2005
    Likes Received:
    I live in Modesto California
    I know there are a lot of guys that swear by Fleetguard only but I use Wix on everything we have between vehicles, semis, and all kinds of farm equipment. Wix is a quality product and I doubt Dodge would have a problem with Wix. I will venture to say Wix is as good as Fleetguard. We have used Donaldson filters in our semis in the past, but are getting away from them since I have heard they aren't that good.

    I wouldn't use Fram at all, but the air filter might be ok. Once again, I'd go to Napa if you didn't want to go to the dealer for an OEM filter. Everything thats Napa brand in their stores is a quality product. I even think their air filters are Wix too but not sure on that.

    After I thought about it, I would say Costco's $40 a case isn't bad. It is hard for me to say since we buy in bulk, I don't really follow gallon prices very well.
  8. Eightballsidepocket

    Eightballsidepocket Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2005
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    San Jose, California
    Thanks again for the great information, and taking the time to write your replies.

    Sounds like Napa is the place. There's a Napa just a few miles from my place.
  9. MNorby

    MNorby Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2005
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    Carquest and bumper to bumper filters are also wix. Shop around and find the best deal cause they are most all the same filter in a different box and if you look at the box it will have a little wix symbol. Not docking napa just saying you might find cheaper other places. My BHAF was $35 at carquest vs the $50 they wanted at napa. I get discounts at both places through the ranch too. I use sinclair oil.... but thats because of who I work for and what all he owns :rolleyes: ....

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