Hi all, I have been towing 15k lbs with my 07 powerstroke and would like to know if a reprogramming box would produce better fuel mileage (like the banks bullet advertises). Also would like some input on which company makes the best product for reprogramming. The other thing is, can I do this without the dealer knowing for warrenty coverage? or will the computer rat me out if I take the truck in for service. Thanks for all the input.
Most of the chips and programmers on the market do offer increased mileage with reasonable driving habits. Now, as for the warranty stuff, alot of that depends on the dealer, and why the truck is in for service. I think you need gauges before adding a chip, or look into a chip that includes gauges. I think that analog gauges and an SCT tuner would be a pretty decent set up for towing and daily driving. So would an Edge Juice/Attiude combo.
I vote for a Custon SCT from DJ's Performance and analog gauges. That's the setup I run and have had no problems. Truck is 8 months old with with 23,000 miles already. I tow 20k daily.