I drive an 07 dodge 5.9 Litre I am interested in buying a chip and intake What would be the best ones for my truck price is kind of important
There are a few options for your 07 5.9L. The first thing you need to decide is if you would like a Tuner or Chip. The Tuners plug into the OBD port and reprogram the computer. They have multiple power levels and are less money than a chip. They double as a code reader but do not come with gauges or allow you to shift power on the fly. Most quality Chips will offer a display unit with all the gauges you need and allow you to shift between 4 or 5 power levels while you are driving. You are wise to upgrade the intake when doing a power upgrade, you should think about doing the exhaust as well. We offer a full line of product for your diesel including chips. tuners, intakes, exhaust and much much more. here are some recommendations for you, BD Ultra X-Tuner Edge Juice With Attitude Chip and Display BD X-Intake BD Stainless Exhaust Hope this helps waytogo
oops my bad:doah:... i didn't read that closely and just assumed that since we were in the 6.7L forum you had a 6.7. my bad. inserting foot into mouth...