
Discussion in 'Hotshot Hauler' started by originalodie, Mar 25, 2008.

  1. originalodie

    originalodie Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2007
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    Casper, Wyoming
    I was just listening to Ch 147 (road dog) on my sirius, and heard about a few things going on to protest fuel costs. According to one caller, she is currently part of a 12 mile long convoy running a strict 55 mph. There is also a call out to truckers to shut down for 3 days, April 5,6,7. Also heard a suggestion to shut down all trucks for one hour on the first of each month from noon to 1pm during your local time. Also a request to slow all trucks down to 55 regardless of where you are at. I have already brought my interstate speed down to 65, and will now be holding 55. I will also honor the one hour shutdown on each month. I for one can't stand the idea of paying $5.00 a gallon for diesel, and without something happening, that price won't surprise me. These measures won't change things tomorrow, but with enough participation and time, these may help.
    Just my thoughts,
  2. Woods

    Woods Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2006
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    Don't know what a 1 hour shut down at noon will accomplish. Plenty of trucks here running I44 have slowed down to 55mph. I'm sure the slower speed is helping their mpg. I'm down to 65mph, and instead of the exhaust and engine, I just hear the tires humming.
  3. Rob Knoell

    Rob Knoell Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2006
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    My father has retired from the Department of Energy and started driving for on over the road trucking company. He is currently driving for Crete and I had asked him about the fuel prices and if there was any rumor about a strike. He responded by saying that if there was going to be a strike it would only be the owner / operators that would do so. Reason is that the major trucking companies charge the shipper a surcharge for fuel costs. The shippers don't like it but this is the way things have been done. I had also asked my father about the rising price of Diesel fuel and if he knew about any plans to lower the prices. Unfortunatly I fear that this is the oil companies getting more profit into their pockets. We all know that Diesel is a bi-product of gasoline. The law makers and other politicians would make a stink if it was gasoline that was through the roof, but since it is Diesel no one seems to care as much. I think that for the most part gas is held in check and it is the oil companies that are feeling a pinch from the elected politicians. Since most folks in politics don't drive Diesel powered vehicles then this may be why the oil companies are gouging us. I am going to guess that most if not all of you are owner / operators. If this is correct then I believe that slowing down to 55 mph is a great way to continue. I hope the best for you all and hope that the fuel prices start coming down.

  4. dodgerep

    dodgerep Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2007
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    The reason the big companies don't care is because many of them are only paying 2.50 a gallon. They are running cheap freight and when the fuel goes up for them, they will be in the same bind. I own a trucking company, and I say this... :" If you dont have enough money to buy a truck, then do something else."

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