My F350 has airbags on the rear axle. I would like to know what is the correct way to use them when towing a heavy trailer?
Hi Andrew, Usually when the truck is unloaded you'll run minimal air pressure in the bags but that is more like a preference. Usually when loaded you want to level the truck. Depending on model your pressure range will fall between 5-100psi and if you have it plumbed into a compressor it easy. Otherwise hook up a portable, level and your done.
I towed a Hitchhiker II 5th wheel and I used the airbags to level the truck out. Now I have a cab-over camper and since I air up each air bag separately, I level the load. Once I figured out the air pressure, I marked it on my fender well and just aired it up to the same each time. My driver side was 75 psi and the passenger side was 95 psi. I use a PowerTank to air mine up.