Yeah going around the city checking my carriers and redelivering papers is killing me right now... Over $150.00 this week and I'm back on E again.... :doah: New job with no money put back due to new born sucks.....
I can't find it for less than $4 a gallon here in the east bay area....most places are as high as $4.29/gallon. And to think....when I bought my rig July of last year I was getting it for as little as $2.95/gallon. :doah:
Yeah if it keeps this up I'm gonna have to get a smaller car driving my wifes Tundra has helped but I would like to get a TJ or YJ not the best on fuel but great for driving to drop off papers or on crowded city parking lots... My wife is like get a small car,arg:doah:
$3.79 is the average round here. Filled up at the trcuk stop, $3.73 a gallon. 26 gallons cost me $98. :doah:
I just got back from my weekly fill up; 452.7 miles this week / 23.7 gallons @ $4.05 / gallon = 19.1 mpg & $96.13 for the week. That comes out to about $0.21 per mile... which is the same as what driving cost me in my Tacoma, which only got 16 mpg :doah:
$3.89 a gallon here in Southeast Washington and still going up. Getting a biodiesel maker is sounding better and better.
$3.80 - $3.99 in Colorado Springs, CO. Above $4.00 in the Mountians. What we really need is for all of the truckers in all industry to strike and park their rigs!!!!!!
Update the fuel is now $4.19 a gallon here in Southeast Washington we're all predicting that it will hit $5.00 a gallon this summer. Kinda puts a cramp in pulling the camp trailer around much
$4.22 here is South Central PA along the 83 corridor. Just think, I have big plans to go down to OBX and WVA now its going to hurt the ole budget just to go to work and back.
Im Miami, Fl. it's anywhere ffrom 3.89 to 4.19 a gallon. I fill up once a week w/ 63 gal and it hurts. 245.07 it cost me yesterday. having to tow for work really sucks.