And where are you located? Today's price at Flying J truck stop in Troutdale is $2.059..............first time in a long while diesel is cheaper than regular. waytogo
I saw today our Pilot on I70 in Denver is at $2.139 (reg unleaded around $2.089). I can't wait for sub $2.00/gallon.
2.15 at the Mobil Truckstop in Morton IL, (central IL) 2.35 at the Mobil 5 miles away in town. You can bet on where I fueled up Its good to see it going down. Still at least 2.35 in the northwest suburbs of Chicago unfortunately.
Far south burb's of Chicago, and if i go to the station in town im paying ~2.30. If i drive about 12 miles, its ~2.20. Unless im filling up from practically empty, its not worth the drive anymore.
In central PA diesel is still running $2.35/gal, 87 unleaded is $1.99/gal. Most of our equipment uses off road diesel which I think ran around $1.50/gal last time we filled the tank.