If the diesel is equipped with glow plugs, the 110 keeps them hot correct? If this is correct wouldn't this have a longevity effect on your glow plugs? I plugged my Dodge in once but after about 15 minutes I could smell something slightly burning, I immediately unplugged it.
It does not keep the "glow plugs" hot, it connects to a heating element that keeps the block warm for really cold seasons (like near or below 0*F). Without the heat it can be difficult or almost impossible to crank a diesel when very cold.
its a block heater. Also the cummns doesn't have glow plug but rather a heat grid to heat the intake when starting.
I plug mine in whenever its below freezing, or else its a total PITA to start. I need a new starter desperately, but dont want to waste money on a motor that i am just going to yank out for something better.
I have started my 2003 CTD in weather of about -8F without it being plugged in while in northern Wisconsin. I use to plug in but rarely do anymore.
Mine will start in sub 0 weather without being plugged in but it runs rough for a bit till it warms up but if I plug it in with the same conditions it runs alot smother and warms up faster
How does the grid heater work exactly? I have heard of this before on the cummins over at TDR. Mine seems to cycle for a few minutes when cold, I can watch the voltage guage move around.
Its basically a grid of wires that has a current running through it. As the current passes through, it heats up the wires, as well as the surrounding air in the intake. So instead of cold air flowing into the motor, heated air is entering.
Oh, ok. I've had little house heaters like that. :doah: It would seem to me that glow plugs are a better warm up system, but maybe not.
In my experience last winter our 97(?) powerstroke work truck wouldn't start and my dodge would so I had to use my personal truck to jump it when it go way cold. Heck, I even had to jump start a couple semi trucks too. I think the heater grid works pretty well.
I pug mine in whenever it is cold. Simply because I don't like to be cold. With it plugged in, the heater comes on warm and I am all cozy!!!