I was thinkning about installing a double deep tranny pan to keep my tranny temps down but i dont know much about it. so what are the pros cons, is it difficult to install, is there anything that needs to be done regarding clearance, and then other stuff about installation like do i need to space out the filter into the bottom of the sump, do i need to replace the filter because i just got my tranny flushed 2 weeks ago? thanks, i just wanna know alot before i take my DDs tranny apart
The Mag Hytec double deep comes with a filter spacer to mount the stock style filter to the bottom of the pan. Yes, it will help cool the trans fluid alittle, no there is no downside, except for the extra cost of fluid. Pros are the extra fluid, better cooling, more fluid available on hills, drain plug for servicing, and the pan adds strenght to the transmission compared to the stock stamped steel POS.
i just got my pan in and the install is saying not to use the cork gasket supplied..........will the local autozone have a Transtar Part #3859F gasket?