Anyone here dropped the coin for one of these? I was going to hold out and get one when one of my unit-bearing hubs took a dump, but I've been reading claims of 15%-20% fuel economy savings, and at friggin' $4.30+ a gallon, it wouldn't take long for the kit to pay for itself, not to mention saving the u-joints that the Dodge garage what 100.00 a piece for!
I wish they were not so expensive, I could see them saving fuel, it's just like the old trucks with full time 4 wheel drive and converting to part time.
15-20% fuel savings???? I couldn't gain that if I pushed my Dodge around half the time.... With CAD, you don't have much spinning anyway, just the outer stub shafts, ujoints, and innner shafts. The carrier in the D60, and driveline are not moving. I would doubt someone would gain 2% with their system when a truck already has CAD. On the later Dodges it could make a difference, since more parts are moving, but I doubt much.
I have 180K on my truck and thought about the kit. I hear +2mpg is what you can expect. If the kit wasn't so much $$, I'd give it a try. I am spoiled on being able to drop it 4wd at any time inside the truck. Guess I'm getting old....