I'm past my first 500 miles so I'm broken in. So when a friend of mine blew a head gasket, I offered to tow him home. It was only a '91 Toyota pickup but that on my trailer puts the load right around 6000lbs. I couldn't be happier with how this Dodge feels with a load behind it. Now I can't wait to put some real weight behind it.
hammer the everlivingpiss outta it with a nice big load. your MPG will come up faster that way. i notice mine acts a lil better than a friends 6 speed truck as well. he was nice to it when he was towing after break in.
I was reading a little about the fuel mileage comming up after the break in. So the advice is to go ahead load it up and listen to the turbo spool up.burnout I'm all for that. How does this help?
i towed the blazer down to del rio this last weekend on a 16 foot bumper pull and at 70 to 75 mph i was getting about 15 mpg, which i thought was pretty good for towing a parachute ryan
The first time I pulled my toyhauler with my 1999 I couldn't believe the difference. I could tow uphill in OD. With my suburban gasser I couldn't even put it in OD on flat freeway. My truck is only rated at 430 lb. ft of torque. So I can imagine 600 would be pretty sweet.
I finally towed some real weight with my dodge too... enclosed trailer with my jeep inside, all in all about 9000 lbs, and I really loved the way it towed. My only complaint is that I don't have the flip out tow mirrors, and the standard 6x9 mirrors made it difficult to see around the trailer. needless to say, Im now searching for tow mirrors. Scott
I know what you mean about those mirrors. I can't even see my trailer behind my truck with the stock small mirrors. I'm dropping my truck back off at the dealer tonite so they can install the flip out mirrors tomorrow.waytogo
Mine are installed now. Today I have to move my trailer so I'll get to see how much better they are.waytogo