i have decided to scrap my Fummings project so i am piecing it out. If you have any questions please let me know. he is my current list, i will be adding as i get stuff together. Cummins TPS for Auto and Bracket $260. 03 Dodge air heater Solenoids and mounting bracket. $30. 03 F150 acc. Pedal $50. 03 F-250 Gas Cruise Control $50. 03 F-250 pigtail (New) $30. 03 F-250 Gas Acc Pedal (new) $30. PCS Trans Controller ( new in box) $1000. Harness and programming. Tach Ring 03+ Common Rail $100. Adapter Plate 03+CR / 5R110 $600. Flex Plate 03+cr to 5R110 $400. Engine Mounts set CR-03 to 07 SuperDuty $250. Ambient Temp Sensor (new) $76. Tach Sensor $80. Tach Base and Base $75. Super Duty to Common Rail Chassis to Engine harness complete. $550. A/C manifold With High and Low pressure hose crimped for Ford Accu To Cummins Compressor $150. Rebuilt 5R110 trans with new Converter less than 3k miles $1500. 2005 Dodge Heat and A/C Dash switch with connectors $50. 2005+ Cummins waste gate elbow (2 pcs ) $40. 2003 Ford Diesel intercooler $200. The Parts are located in Memphis TN.