I found a set of 265-75-R16E Michelin LTX M/S tires in my local paper. I called around today to the few tire stores that were open today but since it's Sunday, no one could get me a price on LTX Michelins for some reason. The guy with the used set wanted $300 for them which included a set of 16" Chevy 6 lug rims that are on the tires. I went and looked at them and bought them for $280, they look to have about %90 tread left with no cuts or tears on the tires. I figure I can get around $30 for the chevy rims for scrap aluminum if they aren't worth anything to a tire guy. Is $280 with chevy alums a decent price for a these tires? Michelin LTX M/S 265-75-R16E (3,415lbs rating). I bought them and hope it wasn't a mistake.
They look really good, I would guess 90%. THe story on them is the original owner of the Chevy they came off of put the tires on to help out selling it and a the guy that bought the truck pulled the Michelins off shortly after the purchase in favor of some X Terrains and Eagle knock off Stone Crushers.
They aren't OEM tires, they came off of a '94 Chevy and the owner bought them right before he sold the truck to help resale. They are 3,415lbs @ 80psi. waytogo
I'm pretty sure that is what is coming on my new Ram, I'll know next week for sure. (but 17" flavor) Good catch, Bobby.waytogo
Thanks guys. I called yesterday and was able to get a qoute on the same tire new...Big O tires wanted $195 and that included mounting and balancing, per tire. I figured out today that I spent $82.50 per tire after having them mounted and balanced yesterday. Plus I still have the Chevy alum. rims that came with them to take to scrap, which should catch a fair price with what metal is worth currently. On another note, these LTX M/S's seem to ride a little better than my worn down A/S's. Is that just from the age difference of the tires? Both sets were at the same PSI.
I am booked after work today, maby this weekend or Friday night we can hook up. You can just take that bucket I have the gas in if you want to. I should have just told you to take it that night..oh well Talk at ya later PS I was on the phone when you called, I talk on the phone all day at work, well I talk and typeimp:
Smoking deal on the tireswaytogo waytogo , last time I put new rubber on the Dodge cost me 600.00 mounted and balance at Sams, best price I could find for BFG Comp TA's with road hazard and lifetime rotating and balancing. They hate me when I come in at every 6000 miles. With the fancy Alcoas they have to dismount and mount each time. Oh well, I asked before I paid. Rob