I have just purchased a new (to me) 2003 6.0 F-250. When the truck is cold it will not accelerate. It acts like it getting fuel but it feels as if the exhaust is plugged. Any suggestions? Once the trans temp and engine temp comes up she runs like a champ. I never had an issue like this with my old 7.3l. Help a Brother Out !!!!
The fluids all look good. The trans fluid does not smell burnt. the oil is not "Snotty". I am at a loss. I have noticed that the glow plugs do not cycle. when i turn the key on the light goes out within 3-5 seconds. Could this be the problem???? would changing the glow plugs help this or is there a control moduel that will need replaced? Thanks in advance for your help
I had the smae problem. Turned out it was what they called lazy injectors. Ford replaced two injectors and problems were solved.
I'm droping it off at the dealer tomorrow. I will lwt you know what the damage is when i find out. dvlishdan
picked up the Duty this morning. $2500. later she is running great Thanks for all your help. Dvlishdan
I had 1 injector that had completely shut down and 3 more that were "LAZY". there was also a sensor that went bad due to the bad injector??? All that and i still have a great truck for under $15K. imp: