since i just joined i thought i would just say hi to everyone. i own an 01 dodge 3/4 cummins quad cab short wheel base 4x4 with an auto tranny. right now my mods are limited cause i just started my 3rd year of college and moneys a little tight but that hasnt stop me from doin a few. as of now i have striaght pipe exhaust, banks high ram intake, k&n air filter with a self modifed stock air box, and a banks big hoss power module. i would like to have some feed back on a chip that would be better than the big hoss that i recently bought which i am not very impressed with. i did have a hypertech programmer before it and it did put out more power than the banks. my brother has the same pick up with the same mods but he bought the diablo power puck and it is the best bang for the buck that have seen so for. but my knowlege is limited on most other modules that are in the 70hp range. i would like to know what the best chip would be around 70hp cause of price and simplcity. also some futher feed back on the puck cause you just cant be out done by your younger brother! any feed back on that and any other CHEAP mods would be greatly apperciated.