So is there any kind of feature, like the electronic versions, that will shut down the motor due to a lack of oil pressure? I am going to buy a '94 12v that is wrecked, but the truck rolled and landed on it's lid. Driver's retarded son (literally) said he shut it off right away but, I wouldn't be suprised if he just thought he did because it locked up. If there isn't a safety feature, what is the worst case scenario? How long do you think the motor could run upside down before it would have damage to the mains/rods? I can't tell if it's lock up due to the fan pulley jamed into the radiator.:doah: If it is locked, or the bearings are severely scarred from lack of oil, can I get away with just doing rods/mains with new bearings and go? I would think the rings and head should still be fine. How about the cam bearings?
There is no safety like that, but I would suspect that when the engine rolled over the fuel system starved and shut the engine down before any major damage was done. The engine in my truck was in a roll over and it's got no ill effects.
Did it go through> You get it? any news I wouldn't bet on it not being hurt. its not a carburator....the injection pump and transfer pump are not going to to stop because it'l upside down or backwards or sideways. If the tank was full enough to still cover the pickup tube. remember theres only 1 cam bushing in the engine at the #1 position, all others are machined block casting that relys on a hydro dynamic wedge. if the oil pump gets never know. mains and rods first, then cam. Then it may have hydrolocked with engine oil pushing past the piston rings being upside down. get the fan free........ pull all the injectors and try to turn it over by hand. and go from there. I'd want to find the bent rod before I payed him.
I lost the truck. I was/am super busy trying to get my crops planted and said I would get their to pickup the truck soon as I had the chance. Some guy offered him another $100 more than my offer and took the truck right out from underneith me about a day before I thought I had time to get it picked up. Oh well, hopefully the motor was screwed. I'm in a good area, I'll find another one.