I've heard that it's one of the safest ways to make power in a diesel, the meth adds power and the water cools the charge to keep EGTs down. Anybody have any experience with it? Seems like it would be real easy to make a "sneaky pete" style setup with some fogger nozzles, but I assume that it would be best to do it after the turbo?
Never used it but alot of people have had good luck with it. All I have to say is I hope you didn't order the extended waranty cause your going to be your own waranty station if you start bombing
The gist is that you squirt a mixture of water and methanol into the intake, the meth adds power and the water evaporates when compressed in the cylinder, cooling the charge so you are less likely to make a big bang. That's about all I know though...
Interesting...I didn't know it gave additional power, I thought all it did was keep the pistons cooler for the guys dumping huge amounts of fuel and air in. So how much power are we talking from a water/meth setup?
To many variables to answer that question strait. It doesnt add a set power level. But, for reference, in a WWII P-47, it added a couple hundred horsepower when used