hydrabed install

Discussion in 'Towing Equipment' started by BurnedBronco, Oct 22, 2006.

  1. BurnedBronco

    BurnedBronco Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2005
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    anybody got any info on them.
    a guy just dropped off a hydrabed hydraulic bale bed and a engine mounted pump kit for a 7.3L to install on his truck i have been workign on for the past two weeks
    no instructions at all, any body know anything about thjem, or tips to getting it on?
  2. jalewis

    jalewis Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2006
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  3. BurnedBronco

    BurnedBronco Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2005
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    yep,. that be it
    got the bed on.
    got the lights all wired, bed mounted, mud flaps, hydro kit mounted, and wired. need to mount and secure all the control cables, fill necks, and fill it with fluid still. tell ya what, it took some tiem consuming hours to mount this up for the guy,.
    TIGHT fit.
    looks good though, guy spent alot of $$ reviving that old 225k powerstroke in the last 2 weeks, have no idea how much money i am gonna get of his tied up into that other truck sitting there he just dropped off, i hope all his checks clear, as i needs a hood, ALL the lihts on the truck are broke off or inop, fenders, 8 tires, brakes on the tandems, kingpins, tie rod assembly, couple chambers, fuel cross over line, a few air leaks, starter and i am shure about 10 other things.

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