I am building a tranny and i was wondering if I need to replace my input or output shaft or both if so where can i find them and what tho they cost the tranny is going into my 07 dodge 5.9 auto i will mainly be street and minor towing also what is a good tranny pan with port for temp gauge
If the shafts are not worn, reuse them, unless your looking to make allot more power. Whats the trans for? What type of vehicle, etc. Several deep trans pan out there, my personal prefrence for the trans temp gauge is on the hot trans line going to the cooler. I want to know how hot the fluid is coming out of the trans and have time to do something about it before any damage is done. Fluid going in the trans at 150 degrees fine, but what if the temp coming out is 300 degrees? Give us some more details.
Woods is right, need to know more. input usually I say yes unless you will stay very near to stock. output is another story. We have put together 2 trucks with over 700hp and stock outputs (customer choice) and only had 1 break, when he launched to try and break into the 11's!!! Guy pulled 12.21's all night! I warned him . . . . . The pan, we use the Mag Hytec pans here in the shop. Nice units, well built. Like woods said, we like to see the temp sender in the hot line, close to the transmission. You need to measure at the hottest point.