OK so I just picked up a '94 2wd stick thats missing the front clip for cheap cheap. i pick it up in a few hours. I'm going to rob the drive train and somehow incorporate the engine into my '98. I am looking for a high power level. So my '98 has a 53block as well........SO sure I just swap the whole 12v into my truck? thats what I'm leaning towards. and upgrade the pump to a 887 or 913 with fuelmods. What are your thoughts on the matter
I think this is very doable. the 98 was available in either 12 or 24v trim, so you should be able to get everything to work right fairly easily. I would definetly pull the motor from the 94 and do all the motor work while its out. Much easier that way! I would expect if you have all the parts ready to go and another set of hands you should be able to do most of the work in a single weekend. I would go with the 913 pump.
So now I know the 887 is from a '98 auto and 913 is '98 stick............now whats really the difference between the 2? What would I notice, if anything, if I put an 887 on with my 5spd? It's getting a zero plate and 191 DVs and HD valve springs for a 4GSK governor spring kit too
I am really not completely up on the different pumps, but I am pretty sure the 913 is the pump for big power. I could be wrong. However, I do know that I have a customer here in town with an Auto 96 and he is using the 913 pump on his truck. His plan is Suncoast Allison conversion, twins, 370's, 913 pump, cam, and a bunch more.
Oh I just thought about it, the '98 auto pump is slightly lower power rateing than '98 stick thats why. Not by much though........ I picked up a used twin kit for my truck already. utilizing an HX40 & HT4C. ...this engine really is going for all out. so the 913 must be the one.
Right on. Whos twins? How old/mileage? a 913 pump can be an expensive thing to locate. I have a line on a few around here I think, but I have to check. Unless you are looking for a new pump tweaked by PDR or BD or something. PDR would be good for you seeings how they are already in Canada and you wouldn't have to pay all the duties to get the darned thing. Let me know if I can help!
Thanks I appreciate the offer, I'll keep it in mind. I have purchased from PDR before, Mark has been good to me so far. Like my SBC DD and guages and such things. twins are a JR Adkins kit. complete w/ ATS manifold, all pipes, 50mm external wastegate. Kit is about 2 years old, was on an '01 that dynod 606. turbos look in pretty good shape.
IIRC, the 913 had bigger plungers or something internal anyway, that made it flow just a hair more fuel in stock trim. I wouldn't be afraid of an 887, there are some guys making some high power with 175HP pumps, they aren't breaking records but are still way the heck up the HP totem-pole.
so an 887 is rated 175hp? Because that what this pump is rated at. '94 manual engine 175hp? is it the same as a '98 auto 887 rateing then?