This is my 96 F350 Crew cab, 3 inch down pipe, 4 inch exhaust with 5 inch tip, tranny, boost and pyro gauges, Edge Evolution programmer, 212,000 miles.
I have a loaded 96 like yours. I just upgraded to a 4" exhaust. About the only different is I have the Superchips programmer, which only has basic functions. It can only do 1 of 3 preset options. Is your Edge the same way, or can you actually "program" your programmer? And here is my truck. It just truned 200K and I figure it's got another 200 in her...if I keep it that long. With me being in the Middle East, my brother just uses it to two our racecar trailer to the races. At the current pace, it should get about 5K a year on it. Oh, I almost forgot. It's all mine. I paid of fthe bank in August. Man was that a good feeling...