Okay so who's D-maxs are lifted. What lift (brand/size) and where did you find the best price? What do you think of your lift? I am considering lifting my 02 D-max if I can get over the price to do it. Around $1600 just for the lift. Would like to go with a 4" but have seen a 6" that is a few hundred cheaper. If I go 6" I will probably need to replace my 285s with 305/70 or 315/75 tires also. Sure could have used the extra lift the other night leaving the lake. We took an off road trail to a fishing spot and when I was leaving in the dark I miss judged one of the drop offs coming out of the rocks and the front passenger side dropped way down and I bottomed out and the driver side rear wheel came about 3 feet off the ground. Gave it a little throttle and pulled right on through it. Gotta love that power. waytogo