I would think it could pull a goose fine. Most necks come out and strait down, from what I have seen there is room to get a hideaway in front of the rear axle and still clear the cab.
ehh... i think this is a bad idea. its a personal opinion though. most goose extenders are 6 inches, this means you move the weight back 6 inches (DUH, i know, its obvious... we all know this) but the thing is the goose is 6 to 8 inches in front of the axle to begin with. now its directly over the axle. it wont transefer much weight at all to the front axle. as for a goose on a shrot box.... mine does just fine. i havea B&W turn over and i also have a tool box IN the bed. here is a pic for you to see. its close, and i cant get into the box with the goose hooked up, but i dont keep anything in there needed in case of emergency. when i hook th etrailer up i move the stuff to the neck of the trailer. nor is this a conventional truck box.... a top load would give about 6 or 8 inches more room and still be accesible while hooked up. i have ZERO problems towing with my short box that is 2 feet shorter than a mega cab. wheel base isnt a problem, nor is bed length. if you have or get a rack on the neck of the goose you COULD run into clearance issues, but just dont turn as wide and no more issues. i have had my truck at a 110* turn with my trailer. it was kinda fun, but one wrong move and it could have been bad.