yup tax returns are comin sooner or later and i was wanting to know what i could do with my truck to get soem xtra ass in it. i have a 05 with the bully dog power pup downloader airraid intake and proflo exhaust. i dont want to spend a whole lot of money (i know everyone says that huh)....i need to get some new tread too so i cant blow it all on performance add ons. anyway i was wondering about stacking programs if that would be the cheepest way to go. possibly injectors but they seem pricey from what i got from the adds i had seen...maybe i just misread them. i will still be towing some so it cant be something that will permanatly screw up my towin cappabilities. i know yall are the ones to ask about this so im open to options and comments. if yall could please put a approximate cost with your suggestion too. thanks in advanced guys
approx 130-150 so the guy from bully dog said it was suppose to be 230 hp crazy larry but i got shnookered and i guess thats not for my truck
If you have an 05 you can run Crazy Larry. I will warn you its aggressive. Check the downloads page on www.Bullydog.com. As for stacking, about the best stack available is the Bully Dog/TST. Better have some transmission ideas planned before you hit the skinny pedal there. Bottom line, if you have an auto your at the limit of it already. Crazy Larry can slip the crap out of a stock auto or stock clutch.
Jason knows what he deals in.waytogo An extra 130-150HP over stock is a LOT, I don't care what anyone says. I'd look more into getting all you can out of that extra power you already have. You didn't mention what you had for a trans, so i would either be looking at a Southbend Con OFE with a 6spd or I'd be looking at a converter/valve body combo if you have really low miles, or just a complete transmission ready to go. I would definantly be looking into a better turbo. 130-150 ponies is a lot of heat for the stocker, and you'd likely pick up some top end with a new 62/80, which is going to run around $1200-1600 depending on the brand and options.
ya i was checkin out clutches,i have a 6 speed by the way, what are the stock clutches rated for in the 05's? the aftermarket clutches i seen werent rated for as high as i thought theyed be. it turns out i guess i can get the 230 hp so i will need to look into the clutch upgrade for sure. i gotta let my buddy use his pc though i only have dial up and it froze on me when i tried downloading the upgrade window or whatever im not all that great with this pc stuff so hope i dont screw anything up lol this 62-80 is that a twin combo, and can a average guy do the work needed himself? im no mechanic but can do common sense jobs it really all comes down to if i need special tools thats the main barrier to doin some of the work myself. thanks again yall
Your stock clutch should be able to hold about 100HP over stock, at least that is how the 2nd gens are and they are basically the same clutch setup on yours. A Southbend Con FE or the slightly milder OFE would be perfect. A turbo 62-80 is a 62/14. It's a single turbo, and a popular size for what you are wanting to do.
hey jason i went to the download page on bully dog, i cant find anythign about my 05 power pup and the crazy larry download. i was going to have my buddy download it foer me this weekend but like i said all it has on here is 06 should i use that? is says only the products listed are the one that are compatible with the downloads. sorry for being a pain in the ass dude but i dont want to try downloading 230 hp & 460lb of torque and end up erasing everything orr somethin dramatic like that. i dotn know youve dealt with this company more than i have maybe i didnt go to the rite spot on the site or something....nothins ever simple, if they were advertising the 230 hp why didnt it just come with it already programed for it damn ** Ford 6.0L Power Pup #41561 ** Available Through Update Agent ** Dodge '06 5.9L Power Pup #42572 (v1.0.3) ** ** Duramax 6.6L Power Pup #43568 (v1.1.2) ** R2176 Drivers Welcome to the Power Pup Downloader Update page. The links above will allow you to download the latest release of the Power Pup Downloader where applicable. Welcome to the Diesel Performance Revolution. [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]Warning: Before updating your downloader you must return your vehicle to stock. Warning: These updates will not work for the Triple Dog or other Power Pups not listed. Triple Dog upgrades are located here[/FONT]
just to make sure i dont have a triple dog its a power pup there was a link for the triple dogs too i didnt check that out but i dont think that would have what im lookin for in it anyway
theres a triple dog with crazy larry download on that link but says will not work for regular power pups:dunno:
I will call BD Monday and find out why there is not a downlod for the power pup. Honestly they need to drop the power pup all together, or bring it online with the triple dog. I'll see what I can do for ya on monday.