This is my project truck. 79 Chevrolet C30. Freshened 350 4 barrel, 400 TH, 410 gears. Hard to find a good one up here in Ontario Canada. Let me know what you guys think. Thanx, Jeff.
Thanx. Plans are finish the paint, class 5 hitch, install my prodigy brake and stereo system, and tow the toyhauler. Maybe throw a mild big block in later.Thanx for the replys guys.
Yeah thats cool Thanx, I have access to a 6.5 turbo gm diesel with a blown electronic injector pump but I think it would be pain to install, besides the fact an injector pump costs $1400 bucks with a 30 day guarantee. The CTD is at least more reliable/powerful but not cheap here for a used one. Would really kick ass though ! waytogo