I'm sick of these punk kids that drive up my mountain road. It's about a 6 mile drive off the main road to my house. The kids are driving their cute little Honda's and crap. They find it necessary to drive like it's a race track but part way in my lane. I was almost forced off the road on my motorcycle one day. That would have sucked since there are no shoulders..only trees and a drop off. So now that I have this nice big truck I want to outfit it with the biggest freakin bumper I can find. I'm gonna be riding the line on my side and daring them to come into my lane. So, who makes a a bumper that won't cost me as much as the truck did? I've looked at UTE, Reunel (sp?) ARB and another but can't remember which one. I really don't want to pay $1500 for a damn bumper. I'm thinking about getting with my friend and just trying to make one
My main problem is livestock/wild game, not humans, so I'm needing something very beefy that a steer or elk might bounce off. I haven't yet decided what route to take but several of my friends use Road Armor. http://www.roadarmor.com/ra3/index.html They make a really nice bumper and the price is premium. But it's a good site to check out for design ideas, especially if you're going to fab up your own.