Looking at adding a chip to help with mileage not so much for horsepower . Any Ideas or what will work.
If it is an 03-04 truck the van Aaken C3.1 works very well. If you want cheap but still a good product I would suggest getting a Quad XZT. It is specifically designed for towing and mileage gain. The XZT can be had for under $300. The C3.1 is a nicer module in my opinion and is adjustable where the XZT isn't.
The C3.1 is more of a towing box (only goes up to 70 HP) and is alot less expensive than the C3.2 which has a top setting of 130 HP. The C3.2 will give a nice mileage gain also, especially if you use either the Tone Ring Mod or the Rokktech.
BD-Power X-Tuner Our 2 biggest selling performance upgrades are the Edge Juice with Attitude or the BD X-Tuner. If you looking for simple, inexpensive fuel economy I would recommend the BD X-Tuner, it will install in 10 minutes, has 3 power levels up to 130 HP, 50-90-130HP, the 50HP economy setting works very well for fuel economy because of the timing and injection duration set up we use on it. The Juice with Attitude works very well too and includes gauges with built in safety features to reduce HP in transmission slippage or in high EGT situations. It is probably more than you are looking for if fuel is your biggest concern. You will not need gauges to run the X-tuner at 50HP but you should think about a pyrometer gauge if you are going to use the 90 or 130HP file. BD X-Tuner $479.00 USD http://www.bd-power.com/ram/product.php?pn=BD X-Tuner Programmer&tt=ram Juice with Attitude $899.10 http://www.bd-power.com/ram/product.php?pn=Edge Juice Plug-In Module&tt=ram Hope this helps.
Sorry I been working I drive a 2005 3/4 ton Cummins with the 6 speed trans 15000miles not even broke in. Will be doing some towing in the summer . Mostly a work truck