I could use some good info for what kind of trailer i shoud get to persue the hot shotting. I know stay away from the trailer place on 45north.....So i guess brand is what i am looking for and bang for the $$....oh yeah what about a auxlliary fuel tank thats low profile like a tool box?? Any info will help me out, thanks....
Do you have a idea of what a good used 38-40 ft goose neck trailer would run for??? I will check out the transfer flow, thanks.....
I just ordered a Big Tex GN14. Should be in around the end of the month. It's only a 20' deck plus 5' dove tail but they have all different sizes and from the reading I've done they are a well built recomended trailer. waytogo http://www.bigtextrailer.com/ I think there are alot of good manufacturers out there, just need to find one near you.
the best g/n on the market is made in eustace tx. legend trailers. he will custom build to what you want. You will need a 36-40ft minimum. you can get a good aluminum tank at TSC (tractor supply). I have a 109 gallon tank piped staight to my fuel tank with a shut off valve. No need for a pump. Tranfer-Flow make good tanks but they are way over priced. A good trailer wil run you around $9,000.00. I paid $403 for my tank but they have gone up.
works for me as for fuel tank & trailer this is what I use, trailer is 25 + 5. http://www.northerntool.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product2_6970_200306719_200306719 http://www.hhtrailer.com/05HighDeckTrailerDually.asp