Just got the new common rail Smarty ordered yesterday. Bob Wagner of Wagner and Associates said that they should be shipping next week. He said that the newest progammer from Mad Electronics is done right, that anyone ordering it will really be pleased, so I'm sure looking forward to the performance. Will post results after I get it and play with it, just thought I would share.....
I should be getting my first shipment in this week I hope. Bobtold me it would be very soon. I'll give him a call and find out when I can expect them and how many I am getting.
Addendum to first post Well, I got the new Smarty CR and programmed the first couple of settings and have a few observations to make. First off, cudos to Marcos and Co. for a fine product! It is exceptionally easy to install, has a minimum of steps to program and very brief time to wait until program has updated your ECM. The first thing I noticed after programming, was it seemed the Cummins started easier. After running a while, accerlerating and braking, I noticed the power band seemed to be broader. In other words, the turbo kicked in sooner and the engine accelerated for a longer smoother period and didn't nose over at the higher rpm. As I progressed through the settings (meaning I had to re-program to a higher no.) I couldn't get over how fast the programing takes place. Also, I noticed that It was accelerating fast enough that I was afraid I might get a speeding ticket, I didn't need to get arrested for a 100 in a 50 zone!rotfl All in all, I am real pleased with Smarty! I have a lot of experimenting to do and not enough time to do it. If any of you are interesed in Smarty I recomend it highly!! stanmar
Smarty CR Hello I'm new to here Ive been using my smarty since a week after jan 07 when i bought new 5.9 3500 mega like it alot. Level 1 improved mileage right away am up to the 3rd setting i think fuel & timing . It is "max safe" for auto have you gone higher with the 48 auto tranny? Thanks What could i stack with it I need alot more timing and some more fuel Thanks GFC