NITROUS-OXIDE SALES GROW WITH DIESEL RESURGANCE Manufacturers tap into increasing interest in diesel-specific nitrous kits. Web source: Turbocharging and diesel power have long gone together, but another power adder has quietly established its value in the diesel arena: nitrous oxide. Nitrous-oxide manufacturers have watched for the past year or more as diesel enthusiasts show greater interest in adding N20 to their engines, accounting for as much as 20% growth for one manufacturer. “We introduced a system two years ago, but lately it’s a hot item with diesel drag racing,” notes Brian Havins of Nitrous Express. “About a year ago, it really started to go and now it’s just blowing up.” Nitrous injection presents a few advantages for diesel engine use: the additional oxygen helps lean out the rich fuel mixtures necessary to make big power; enables more fuel to fully combust; and lowers exhaust gas temperatures by reducing fuel burnt—and wasted—in the exhaust manifold. “It’s one of our fastest growing segments, no question about it,” says ZEX Product Manager Matt Patrick. “Our diesel product grew around 20% last year.” Bully Dog Marketing Manager Mike DeFord says that nitrous kits have always been a steady seller within Bully Dog’s diesel-centric product mix, one of the company’s top 25 products. It’s newest kit, not yet available, will allow the user to adjust nitrous flow from the cabin, allowing for various track conditions and drag racing dial-in times. ZEX’s lineup includes the new Pro Street Diesel system, which uses an electronic throttle position sensor and boost pressure switch to precisely time a 50 to 300 horsepower nitrous shot with engine load. Nitrous Express offers three kits in its “NXD” lineup, ranging from the entry-level Stacker to the premium SX2d, a two-solenoid dual-stage kit. Patrick says the ZEX system is a response to customer calls for that most basic of enthusiast needs. “Guys just want more power. Our original kit was adjustable to 200 horsepower. A lot of us would figure that’s a pretty healthy shot. But a lot of the diesel race truck guys want to run in excess of 200hp, so that requires higher-flowing solenoids and activating the nitrous as the diesel starts to build boost.” All three companies make kits for the major diesel platforms. Patrick says his Cummins and Duramax kits outpace those for the Powerstroke. Havins says NX also does a little business with Volkswagen TDI kits. Diesel drag racing may be driving some of the demand, although buyers are most likely using the kits for street performance. Dave Dunbar, Director of Competition for the Diesel Hot Rod Association (DHRA), says he hasn’t seen a noticeable spike in nitrous use. DHRA allows nitrous in all of its classes except sled pulling, and Dunbar did notice a slight bump last season after the association removed a 500-lb. weight penalty for those running N20. Rather, nitrous has been present for many seasons and shows up more often as new racers enter the sport. “I’d say the rate of nitrous use is growing along with the rest of our sport,” Dunbar says. “The racers that are using it, the publicity they’ve generated, that’s probably made its way to the street.” DeFord sees a similar picture. “Eighty percent [of our customers] are probably racers, but it’s a gray area. The diesel market isn’t big enough yet where there are a bunch of purpose-built race trucks. Most of the guys racing their truck are also driving it to work the next day. But I’d say about 80 percent of them are looking for the competitive edge on the track.” Patrick suspects, but can’t confirm, that a lot of ZEX kits find their way into street trucks. The product caters to and satisfies the average street enthusiast. “They just want more go, more push into the back of the seat,” he says. “As long as we give that to them, they’re happy.”
costs to much My buddy has a 100hp shot on his 02 F350 CC powerstroke, he has a 5 inch exhaust, edge evolution and afe stage 2 intake. He has a hookup to get his tank filled but still costs him $50. He went through 3 tanks in 10 days and has not had his tank refilled since. I am more interested in the methenol injection kit.
I like that it leans out the fuel mix, burns the fuel more completely for less smoke and lowers EGTs. All good for towing.