Anyone have any experience with the new Valley Industries Odyssey controller? It's in the new issue of Fourwheeler. I'm getting close to buying a brake controller and hide away gooseneck hitch so I can pull the gooseneck and haul my K5, and other stuff.
Seems like a very similar unit to the Tekonsha Prodigy, which I have, and love. has great deals on towing accessories if you are looking for a good online store to shop from. The fact that the unit you mentioned is self-leveling is really the nice feature about it. It appears to be a bit bulkier than the Prodigy, but who can really tell with online pics. For the same price I'd go with the Tekonsha just because I have heard more about it, but I think the performance will be equal with the unit you have listed.
During my research online it boiled down to the top 3 BrakeSmart = The most expensive but taps into your hydrolic line @ the master and everyone that has spent the $350 on them love them. Jordan = About 100 bucks and there is a small cable that you hook to your brake pedal. THis one works off of pedal movement. SO weather or not your hydrolic brake system is working, you will always have trailer brakes when you step on the pedal. Prodigy = Around the 100 buck range too. This one is 'enersia' (sp?) controlled. I have heard alot of things about this one and most all of them are good, easiest to install. No I have not heard of the one you listed above.... Oh nad I bought the
Hmm, I was looking at the Prodogy and it has a plug that plugs directly into Dodge trucks. Does this mean I have a plug under my dash somewhere for a brake controller? Does this mean I don't have to hard wire it in like the older days? Just plug both ends of the cable in, mount the controller, and go?
RJF here's a link to a write up on P4x4 on hooking up brake controllers. You may or may not be able to "plug and play" on your '01.
Thanks for correcting that, its hard to believe they would put a plug under the dash, but not run wires to the bumper. Good luck with it RJF.
FWIW, my '98 had the "towing package" and I just plugged in my controller with no issues. Never had a light switch failure either, that article/post is the first I've heard of it...
Thanks for the link! The detailed picture pointed out where to look for the brake controler plug. I found it. imp: Now it's time to go and poke the boss for the paycheck.... oke: