Everybody should post 1 picture of thier Rig and a brief description of the mods if any. Here's mine: 2002 F350, Stock engine and tranny(no chips, tuners), 4x4, 4.10 limited slip, painted to match hood and window visors, extang bed cover, chrome added to factory mudflaps, cobra cb, AIC, Alpine sound system.
Here is mine Its a 1998 Chevy 2500HD Ex Cab LB. It has the 6.5L Turbo Diesel 4L80E 4.10 Locking Diff and 4WD. I have "deleted" the muffler and cat and put on a BHAF. ** Truck now has 285 BFG ATs (265s in pic) and a Black "Rack-it" Lumber Rack**
2001.5 Dodge Ram Cummins 2500 4x4. stock motor, modified 47RE auto with billet converter, high flow valve body, and more clutch surface. All billet aluminum bling bling accessories, hyper white head lights, Completely Amsoiled up.
2005 2500HD 4x4 Durmax/Alison CC longbed So far the only things I have done is Bilstien shocks and Reese Titan V hitch upgrade, Jordan brake controler added. For the future: Bigger tires Air bags maybe exhaust upgrade someday My plan is to keep it perrty much stock but you know how 'plans' change over the years rotfl
Tow Rig:05' Dodge Ram 2500 CTD, stock as it gets! Just got her back from the carwash with hand wax Oh ya and the new towrig sticker since I crashed into the old rear window :doah: I have an Alpine amp and alpine speakers, Sony head unit and sony DVD player mounted in the headliner. No power mods in the future, but I did win a leveling kit here on Towrig.com from Dunks that will be installed when I buy some 35" BFG AT's. Also I would like to rhino line the bed and get some running lights up topwaytogo Trail Rig: 85 GMC Jimmy 3/4 tonimp: A few mods.........opcorn:
2001 Silverado Crewcab Dually 6.0/4l80e/4.10wG80. I'm never messing with another running gear again... Mabye...gp
my 06 lbz.mods so far, afe air filter, 4" cat back with 5" tip, viper 560 remote start, 265/75/16 at's, bullydog power pup on order.
$$$ It is not a question of us haveing to much money it is letting the bank lets us in over our heads and then working for the next 5 or so years to pay off it and in the mean time letting the big rig as in my case set in a garage. I have had it 6 months now and have 1800 miles just put my third tank of fuel in it about 10 days ago and that will take me into May when I have to move the trailer to its summer residence.
Letting diesel set in a tank that long without a fuel stabilizer Will cause problems!!! It will form water and mold in it and screw up the injector system (pump and all, corrode fuel heaters, not to mention many other parts), and the duramax is already extremely sensitive to bad diesel. Hurry and find some sort of fuel stabilizer or dirve it. Fuel stabilizer is not to be confused with fuel additives ie diesel kleen or stanodyne, rather fuel stabilizer's only purpose is for diesel fuel storage over a period of time that prevents mold, water etc... There have been a few cases here locally where they so called put their truck up for the winter or didnt drive it for a couple of months and then as soon as they drive it BOOM, something goes wrong and the last place anybody looked was at the fuel. Just looking out for yawaytogo
fuel stabilizer I did put fuel stabilizer in the tank along with some diesel conditioner as well as dry gas so I was all prepared for this, sometimes I have hindsight forwards. thanks
funny guy.... its not always about how much money you havem but how you spend it. im 25, have a 2004.5 ram with a few options and a nice trailer. read more in the signature. ill put a picture up for ya as well. here is how i got it all thought... my ex0wife left me... so i sold the house and now i live in ther barracks with an almost non existing social life. money isnt everything. if you dont have much but want something bad enough you will make ends meet. Grant