Here's a few working pics. First is the mobile lab/living quarters. 45ft, 10klbs, 2k+ tongue weight second is 38ft goose with about a 10k load (17k total) third is the same goose with about a 17k load (24k total)
Great pics. Funny your wheels look like they're black in the last pic. Love to see a truck earning it's payment.
Yeah, the wheels are black in the last pic. I took the chrome caps and rings off for two reasons. One was for my CDL driving test to give me easier access for tire pressure during my pretrip. The second was so I would be able to wash all the mud off easier after trips. the look is growing on me, to the point that I am thinking of getting the wheels powdercoated in a satin black. If I do that, I think that I will re-install the centercaps. Tried that, and with clean and black wheels, I liked the look. Darin
Damn Bobby. Why don't you take up as much bandwidth as possible!rotfl Sheesh! What a truck whore!opcorn:
So, had anyone with a red CTD done the black wheel, chrome center cap thing yet?? I would like to see a pic if you have. I have also considered going 19.5 with the black wheel and keeping the chrome enter cap. any thoughts?? It looks like the 2,000 gal load will become common for me in the near future. and my annual mileage should go up to around 100k. Darin
I was planning on doing Kelderman's 2 bag rear air suspension, and an air seat base. But got hurt in Oct(broke collar bone in atv crash, so far a plate and 7 screws but may be getting more) and am actually taking the time I have off to look into other career options. If I go back to hauling I will follow through with my plans for a comfortable ride!