I have a 2003 2500 Cummins s.o 250hp 460tq. 47re auto. I have put 285 70's on it. New lift pump. Should have went with the fass system! And straight piped it. I use to average 17.8 to 19 mpg. Now it's 15.8 to 16. Would a cold air intake help? Also if i punch it off the line 1st 2nd 3rd to about 3100rpm then a hard shift to 4th. Or i have to let off then get back on it for a 4th. Any ideas? But i will be getting a S&B filter. So i hope that helps with the mpg. Thanks Mike
You need to calibrate your tire size first off. That should get you mileage right back where it was. Also, you could add a programmer like the Diablosport, Smarty, or similar and get some extra power and be able to adjust the tire size and increase mileage from the extra timing (if you can stay out of it!)
I cant stay out of it. Love to hear that Cummins. Well i will start with that. I want more power but want to get back to averaging 17mpg. So thanks for that info. Banks Ram Air.....Good, bad. Need to know because im about to order it. Thnaks again
i say u cant go wrong w/any of the banks products.... just my opinion though and not to say there arent others out there that compare for a little less!!! like most things, its all what the wallet will let YOU do opcorn: your mileage sounds low, i have 33's on and am abt to upgrade to 35's and i have nvr gotten below 24mpg
Im not so sure the banks air ram is all its cracked up to be. Anyone notice a difference installing just the air ram? It seems to me that the air ram doesn't move anymore air into your engine, its just a fancy part that takes up a little space and is nice to look at. I could be wrong, but thinking into it a little more the air going into all of our cummins engines is pressurized. I just dont see how it could make a difference. Now if it was naturally aspirated, maybe. Anyone else have another opinion? Please, fill me in. If im convinced then maybe Ill have to look into one waytogo
any of the intake horns are up in the air about how or if they work. for your trans, its time to start thinking aftermarket. you are amking mor epower than the stock trans likes. it can handle a BIT more, but if you have 3.73's then the gearing isnt working well with your stock trans. get a new one, or get a new valve body and TQ converter. it will shift better then. id say new all together. like said before, get something or a dealer to calibrate the spedo to your tires and your MPG will read right along with your spedo. you and i have the same problem when it comes to a lead foot, otherwise MPG would be higer as well. Grant
As a banks dealer, let me say this - Very expensive for minimal gains. Just replace the stock filter with an Amsoil Nanofiber drop in or get an intake. There are very few Banks products I feel are worth half or better their selling cost. meseahunt2 - I am guessing you are reading off the overhead? That or you drive increadibly slow. Try making sure the Speedo is correctly calibrated then do it by hand. My guess is you'll be 18-19 is you are nice to it. 24 in a 24v is almost unheard of really. Lots of guys clain to get it, but when you tally up gallons burned to miles drive, it just not usually there. I say usually. There are 5the rare occurances. Not trying to step on toes, just trying to inform.