residing a trailer/motorhome questions...

Discussion in 'The Drivers Seat (Chit-Chat)' started by dubbyx, Mar 23, 2006.

  1. dubbyx

    dubbyx Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2005
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    Lubbock, TX
    dunno if any of you R/V guys have any experience with this, so I'm gonna take a shot at it... didn't know what other forum to put this in, so we'll go with this one...

    first off, I've got a butt-ugly motorhome. problem is, everything works great (except factory engine a/c). besides the late 70's pseudo-pimp paint job this thing has been beat with at least 2 really hard hailstorms, both on the same side. all damage is purely cosmetic and confined only to the siding on the one side and the fiberglass fenderskirts. Other than that, the vinyl trim is kinda faded and will likely crumble when I remove it. I'm a cheap bastard with some vanity left so what's the best way/place to get it straightened out or put new metal on? other products besides metal? what am I gonna find behind it when the existing stuff comes off?

    we've tried to sell it for the past couple years and havn't gotten nearly what it's mechanically worth, so we decided we're just gonna fix it up and keep it around. She's getting a new paint job, the a/c repaired, and a whole fresh upholstery job inside and I want the outside to look as good/new as I can while I'm at it.

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