Finally got the truck washed after my camping trip and there are scratches all over it. They are not deep, but even after a rubbing compound they still can be seen just not as bright. I used a cheapo brand due to the fact I already had some in the shed. Is there a magic wax or scratch remover on the market that really works. These scratches are light in color and are not down to the paint. I was thinking of just paying the local car wash a $100 to Canuba wax the whole thing, will this help?
My brother had alot of scratches on his. He took it somewhere and had it detailed for $100. Looked brand new, couldnt see any scratches after that.
Sounds like waht I will end up doing this weekend after my wheelin trip. I don't like to wash the truck less wax the whole damn thing myself:doah:
A good high speed buffing will take out any scratches that are not down farther than the clear coat. I paid my local car wash $120.00 to do my old truck before I sold it and the difference was amazing.
go to your local auto paint supply or auto store and buy some Meguiares Hand Polish if you only have a few of them. its easy to use with a terry towel and some labor. this will take most scratches out. do not use it with a buffer, only hand. if you have a lot of them then they need to be buffed out. during the year i get a lot of them from going places hunting and fishing. i have a Makita variable speed buffer that i use for buffing paint after color sanding on cars, and thats what i use to get the scratches out.