Wow, I had been roaming around on TDR and heard of a few mentioning some sort of Smarty plug in but I had no idea it was the CATCHER they were talking about. In the past I had heard about how good the CATCHER programming was but there was a waiting list to exhcange your ECM as a core and the programming was expensive. This is very interesting with it now being available with a plug in unit, no messing with shipping ECM's....
It is actually alot more expensive that most others. It does have some nice features on it though. The top setting is only a 65 HP gain which is not alot but it has different programs for fuel economy etc. It is a programmer type module not a plug-in device so it is not adjustable on the fly but it can read and erase codes. I think is will be very nice for those guys wanting to stack it with something. For the everyday guy I would suggest sticking with a module like van Aaken unless you have a couple hundred more dollars you want to spend.
DPdiesel pretty much summed it up. It's not cheap at all, and before this smarty programmer, you had to send your ECM to a guy in Washington that sent it to another guy in Italy where your ECM was then reprogrammed with the "catcher" programming. Basically it's more costly and is more work, but it's supposed to really improve driveability. MUCH more throttle response, more low end torque and bottom end response, and faster turbo spool.
Another nice feature of the Smarty is it doesn't leave a footprint. So if you need to go in for warranty work you can go back to stock software in 2min. & no one is the wiser. Also for you guys that run bigger tires you can recalibrate your spedo with it. The econo mode might help pay for it in time.