My truck started throwing a puff of white smoke at startup last week. It did this a few times and then it then it started throwing a black puff it has been white once or twice since then but usually black. It might be taking just a split second longer to start but not enough for me to notice if I weren't paying close attention becouse of the smoke, but then that might just be in my head. I haven't had any other problems. No dead pedal or lack of power, fuel milage was just as high on my last tank. Any thoughts?
Well if it's white then is sounds like a unburned fuel problem but if your not noticing a power loss the it might be an oil issue. Are you sure it's not a little blue in color. Pull the intake hose at the turbo and check for play on the turbine shaft in and out. Check to see if the compressor blades are hitting the housing of the turbo.
I checked the turbo this evening and there is no play in the shaft or compressor blades and the compressor blades spin freely. I am afraid it could be early signs of the dreaded VP-44 giving up. I hope not but if it is maybe it will give me another couple of months. I'm pretty sure there is not a blue tint to the smoke, it's only been white a couple of times and every other time it is black. Any more ideas?
Yes. If you think your having V44 problems then you should install a fuel pressure gauge between the lift pump and the injection pump and get a reading of your supply fuel to the V44 due to the fact that a weak lift pump is the most common cause of V44 failure.
I have a fuel pressure guage but the sending unit broke and they are sending me a new one. The lift pump is only about 4 mo. old so I think it should be ok. A couple of weeks ago when the guage was working the fuel pressure started to go down and I changed the filter and it went back to where it should be. I guess I'll start saving my money and start looking for a good place to get an injection pump. Thanks for the help.