Solving the Diesel Compliance Puzzle

Discussion in 'General Tow Rig Discussion' started by CK5, Aug 18, 2011.

  1. CK5

    CK5 WhooHoo! Administrator Moderator

    Feb 9, 2005
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    Solving the Diesel Compliance Puzzle

    California’s “Products in Progress” Program Clears the Way for Diesel Performance Parts Emissions Compliance
    By Jim McFarland

    SEMA recognizes that many of its members are striving to make and sell emissions-compliant diesel products, given the fact that California is not the only market where emissions-legal parts are required.
    For almost a decade, there had not been an affordable test protocol for certifying emissions-related, on-road diesel parts or systems in California. During a portion of that time, SEMA engaged in the development of a test method (as an alternative to the very costly engine dynamometer protocol required of the diesel OEMs) that would allow California Air Resources Board (CARB) Executive Orders (EOs) to be completed without imposing significant financial burdens on applicants.

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