I know of Rhino, and Linex Are there other good brands? I want something rubbery and durable, but something I could kneel on in shorts and not loose the skin. I don't want 40 grit sandpaper in my bed.... My folks have a LineX in theirs and I could round the corners on 1/2" Plate steel with that stuff... Thanks Mike
Yeah, if you want something you can "kneel on in shorts and not loose the skin" you definitely don't want Linex, but that is by far the most durable from my investigations before doing mine. I haul all sorts of stuff that is hard on a bed; engines, transfer cases, axles assemblies, scrap metal, rock, and so on have all been back there with no damage to the Linex. Rhino fits the bill nicely, but it won't hold up if you haul heavy sharp edged items that move around at all. I've seen some Rhino beds with less use than mine that have needed repairs, and the repairs looked terrible. Not quite as bad a the pot hole repairs in a road, but I think you will get the idea. :doah: Rhino would probably be good if you haul wood for a home shop, boxed stuff, furniture, and that kind of thing, but not for severe use IMO. There is also something called a "bed rug" that is pretty much just what it says. Sort of like a "drop in" made from very tough and stain resistant carpet. That's about all I can think of.
DONT DO RHINO!!! I have it in my truck and my buddy has it in his and it is JUNK! Do your self a favor and get a line-x. It will be the best money you ever spent. If it is to rough pick up a rubber mat and throw it on top. I have seen trucks with off-brand spray ins and they are as bad as the rhino, Look terrible and hold up terrible. IMHO get the line-x and put a mat on the floor.
whats the going rate for line-x in a 8' bed? id call but they prabably would give me some BS answer minus any additions that need to be added. so out the door, what we lookin at?
i have arma in mine. its applied just like line x and is one of the first hot sprayed two part spay's out there. then make a TON of different types of sprays. get ahold of them.... www.armacoating.com they are a lot smaller than the other two, but do good work SO LONG AS THE DEALER knows what he is doing. great product, but in my case i am going to have the fllor of the bed redone as they did not remove the paint properly. not a product fauly, an idiot fault. otherwise i love the stuff. did the rockers as well. the first trip for the bed with over the rail app on a short box was 395.00. i got a few discounts though.... i think normal price was 450.00 i pais 225.00 for the rockers. grant
Whoever you go to, talk to them about discounts and price matching (assuming you shop around). It's like a car dealer in that they almost always have some way to come down if you press the issue. However, as suggested, the quality of the prep is 95% of the quality of the job, so you don't want to twist them so hard the short you on prep! And make sure they are going to be around for a while or have national warranty, especially if you go with a soft one like Rhino. Beware the colors other than black too. The ALL fade and/or yellow. Black is not too bad, at worst it looks sort of dark charcoal. But light colors yellow and dark colors other than black get chalky and often blotchy, not a good look...
I gave right at $450 for Line-X for a longbed over the rails. Definitely get over the rails, unless you absolutely can't stand the look. I personally love the look and it saves the rails from idiots who like to stand around and talk and unconsciuosly rub their hands along your bedrails. I'm going to have to go back there soon and have them repair a couple of places where a 6.2 diesel dug a little too deeply, but overall it's extremely durable.
Check these guys out Perma-tech A guy I work with has it in his rig. The material is rubbery, not abrasive as line-x. Plus they have glow in the dark liners!