Depends on where you want your stacks located. On the Grand Rock kits if you want the passenger side stack in closer to the center, the hole needs to be closer to center. Best bet, get the stack kit and set it up where you want it, and cut.
ok, i guess what i want to know is there anywhere i need to avoid placing a 5 inch hole in the bed. anything i need to look out for? Grant
Just drill a small pilot hole first and then go under the truck and make sure its all clear. Use bent coat hangers to simulate the pipe. Make sure every thing clears and then cut the hole you need.
More than likely you will wind up hitting the front cross member for the bed. No big deal, you won't be putting much weight there anyways, and there is another cross member about 10-12" back. Other than that, the kit is designed to put all the piping in a safe location.