A friend of mine has a '92 F250 with a 7.3L and auto. He called me up and said it wouldn't start. I mainly work on older gas chevys, but a starter is a starter. So I crawled under his truck and the starter was wobbling and so was the piece it was bolted on to. We unbolted the starter and it came off along with the piece it bolts on to. It was pretty grimmy and dirty under there so I couldn't tell what this piece broke off from. I'm use to small block chevys where the starter bolts to the engine block. Is there a spacer between the auto and the block which the starter bolts to?
its a adaptor that bolts between the block and the trans. trans has to come out to replace it good luck getting one, they are hard to come by. i do have one laying around though.....
I didnt think ford used an adaptor or shims on any of thier starters guess I just learned something new
IH uses a block adaptor and bolts the starter to it...... see the bolts below the top bellhousing bolts? those and the bellhousing bolts hold it to the engine