My 96 F350 won't start sometimes. I turn the key everything comes on after light goes off, I try to start and there is nothing. It does not do this all the time, just every now and then. Would not start all day yesterday tried it this morning same thing. So I hit the starter with a hammer and then it started fine. Could I have a bad starter. I have had it tested and it showed all good. I have brand new batteries, Alt, and starter sylonoid. Any Ideahs. Thanks
Best thing to do would be get a test light and make sure you are getting the signal to the starter. If you are and it is not turning the motor over it is most likely you starter. 99% of the time if you bang on the starter and it cranks it is the starter. But I did just have a Jeep that wouldn't click or anything and my friend banged on the starter and it cranked over. He replaced the starter and it wouldn't crank. He thought he got a bad starter but before he changed it again he called me. I went over with a volt meter and when he cranked there was no voltage going to the starter. It turned out it was the nuetral safety switch on the trans acting up and I guess when he banged on the starter it was enough vibration to make contact in the nuetral switch connect also.
The neutral safety switch on my truck is actually bypassed, After the wait to start light goes out you have a to push a button to start it. The guy I bought it from did that for some reason. I guess I will just try replacsing the starter and see what that does. Thanks.
I don't know if you can wait, but my buddy has a 1996 powerstroke with manual trans. and he got a brand new starter from a guy on ebay for $99. They were pretty expensive locally. And when he got it, it was definitely brand new. You could tell it was never bolted up to anything. He has had it in his truck for a year with no problems so far.