Was towing our churchs 20' Enclosed trailer last Sunday and was slowing down for a stop light, I looked in my mirror and saw smoke pouring out of the wheel wells of the trailer. My controller had sent WAY to much power to them for the moderate stop and locked all 4 wheels up. I thought It was a fluke so I kept going. Then I was accellerating from another stoplight and I heard the wheels chirping b/c the brakes were on and my foot wasnt on the pedal. I had the controller adjusted perfectly and it had worked fine up until then. The trailer is brand new so I know it is probably not a trailer problem. Its fine though b/c I wanted an excuse to upgrade to a Prodigy. So I got home and ordered 2 of them from RVWholesalers.com (one for me and one for my brothers Tahoe. Should be here in a few days so I will let you know how I like it over the Voyagerwaytogo
Good deal... I've had mine for over a month now and have yet to install the stupid thing... gawd I want my truck running.
You wont believe the difference in the Voyager and the Prodigy, no more dickin around with leveling out the trailer. Just set the boost level, set what power you want to the brakes, and forget about it. By far the best controller for the money. The only other TBC Ive used that was better was the Ford intergrated system, but the Prodigy is what is sitting in our 99 F350, and it works great.
Got the Prodigy from UPS today and had it installed and the trailer hooked up less than an hour later. Took it for a spin and man...SOOOOOOOO much nicer than the Voyager. However the left front tire on the trailer kept locking up and staying locked up after the brakes were released. I had to back until it Popped and then it would roll again until I hit the brakes again. So turns out it wasnt the Voyagers fault after all... it was the brand new trailer:doah: Oh well thats what warrantys are for and I got to upgrade the TBCimp:
HAHA I looked into that but the thing I like about the Prodigy is that I can move it from my truck to my brothers Tahoe to my fiance's 3/4ton 'burb (in a year or so) depending on what I am pulling with.
We have three trucks with Voyagers and one with a Prodigy. I had gotten used to the Voyager's "grabbyness" and finally rode drove the Prodigy equipped vehicle again the other day. You forget you have trailer brakes since it's so much smoother. I definantly have a Prodigy on the list to replace the Voyager in my ram.
The only time I have had brakes lock up was when I had to tow a trailer without the right wiring pin had to experiment to get it working right once I got the lights working I pulled out of our yard and heard em sliding..lol I just forgot to put the wiring back right when I returned the trailer,of course the salesman told my wife oh it will plug right in:doah: moral of this story is dont let the wife pick up the trailer or make arangements